Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Broken Pieces Outreach with volunteers from Christ Chapel

What a tremendous outreach we had on the streets of Atlanta tonight. Our friends from Christ Chapel in Zebulon, Georgia brought about 50 volunteers. They provided a delicious meal, clothes, shoes and one-on-one ministry to about fifty or more of our homeless friends at a location on Whitehall Street in Atlanta.

I preached a message from 1Corinthians 13 on love. Many were deeply convicted and came forward publicly for prayer as they surrendered their all to Jesus Christ.

We love what we do here on the streets of Atlanta. The people who are healed, saved and set free from years of addiction by the power of God in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, receive because the Church comes together out where the people are to bless, love and give of their time and resources to reach these precious people God deserately wants.  We appreciate the opprtunity to serve the Lord by loving these people.


  1. Praise God for those who stepped forward!

  2. May the good Lord continue to blessed and use you guys to do his work.
